Welcome to Artists Make.

We set the stage for all Aucklanders to celebrate the vast contribution of our artists.

Tāmaki Makaurau. Aotearoa’s largest and most culturally diverse city. Renowned for the beauty of our beaches and unique volcanic landscapes, our fierce indigenous culture, our outstanding hospitality scene, and our world-class sporting opportunities.

Yet beyond all this, there lies another dynamic and transformative force that often goes unnoticed - the contribution of our artists to this special place that so many of us get to call home.  

From the heart of our CBD, through our tranquil rolling suburbs, right out to our rugged west coast, artists all over Auckland are crafting experiences that uplift and inspire our people, enrich our social cohesion, increase the power of our economy, and create a deep sense of local pride and identity, that generations upon generations have and will continue to benefit from. 

Our artists are revered internationally, regularly achieving the highest of global successes, yet are barely recognised or acknowledged locally. Despite the high quality of their work, many of them struggle to make ends meet and face very real mental health concerns. However despite the challenges, they continue to dig deep and remain wholly committed to leaving indelible, life-changing marks on the hearts and minds of Aucklanders.

They deserve to be noticed for the significant contribution they make to Tāmaki Makaurau on the daily. 



So, we’re inviting you to get onboard the Artists Make campaign.

You’ll find the “Artists Make” slogans on clothing and accessories from totes to tees. It’s an opportunity for people to get behind Auckland’s artists by visibly advocating for them in everyday settings. It places a simple yet powerful statement in public view and tells our artists we see them.

All items are priced at cost so as many people as possible can get behind this campaign. We’re not in it to make money, we just want you to wear your love for artists on your sleeve. Wear the heck out of it. Wear it to work. Wear it on the marae. Wear it to the family Christmas do. Wear it when you vote. 

Because Artists truly do Make Auckland.